Visit the Snowiecat and Snowiecats Albums on Photobucket!

"Closed" but still ready to view.

Please see my other blogs, Penniwig's or BANNERHAUS, where you will find an assortment of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Spring, Summer, and Winter graphics of all sorts!


Previous graphics will be left up here on SkullBlossom, but no new ones for Halloween will be added.

Please respect my very generous terms of use! Vintage images are copyright-free, of course!
My original for-the-web work is free to use on your blog, with NO credit and NO linking back required but always appreciated.

Do NOT take my images, slightly alter them or use them as-is, and pass them off as your own NOR redistribute them NOR sell them!!!

Visit my Etsy Shoppe - Penniwigs - Hundreds of wonderful printable tags for every holiday and occasion.

Nov 1, 2008

Can Ye Believe It? We Are On the Way to Thanksgiving. Penniwig's Is Up!

The days fly by, fly by, the older I get.

And now we are heading into another season I love: Winter. It is an underappreciated time of year, I do believe.

Please stop by my new blog, Penniwig's, where I will be posting not only vintage and original graphics for Thanksgiving, Winter, Christmas, and more, but will also be sharing recipes, folklore, nearly lost crafts, and attempting to resurrect the old-time art of elocution. Tonight I recited Poe's The Raven from memory to much applause (my husband and son clapped), and I'm determined to make all of you suffer with me as we learn, together me dearies, Longfellow's lovely poem I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.

My first graphic is already up over there, waiting for ye!

And perhaps ye will be so kind as to continue to hold a good thought for my little cat Hadji as he fights to recover, and for me, as I try to get a new teaching position. Many thanks.

Please tell your friends about olde Penniwig's!